Futureco Bioscience renews its commitment to the UN Global Compact by 2021

The UN Global Compact is the world’s largest corporate sustainability initiative. It is based on the vision of former UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan, who, at the 1999 World Economic Forum, called on business leaders to partner with the United Nations to create a “global impact” of shared values and principles to bring a human face to the global marketplace.

The Global Compact supports and monitors companies to incorporate 10 universal principles related to human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption into their strategies and operations, as well as to act in ways that advance social goals and the implementation of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Futureco Bioscience is one of thousands of responsible companies of all sizes and sectors around the world committed to integrating sustainability into their core strategies and operations for the benefit of both society and themselves.

Futureco Bioscience is firmly committed to the values of quality, innovation, and environmental responsibility that we transmit, internally and externally, with the vision of creating value from knowledge. In our DNA are the principles linked to the environment of the Global Compact, and the SDGs also linked to this area, such as 12, 13, 14 and 15. Over the years, these have been translated into action plans with a continuous commitment to demand and leadership in prevention in safety, meeting deadlines and commitment, implementation of sustainability and new technologies, demand in quality, environmental management and social management supporting initiatives related to our activity that create value for the community.

Futureco Bioscience has presented its Progress Report (COP) for the period 2019-2020, which covers the whole year 2020, in which the whole world has had to face the health emergency caused by the coronavirus COVID-19. The report presents the company’s actions and progress towards the 17 SDGs, according to the 10 principles of the initiative.

Among the actions of the last period, it is worth highlighting the ENAC accredited certification of 4 R&D projects together with the ENAC accreditation of the Chemical Analysis Laboratory, facts that denote and guarantee the quality of its products, while consolidating the process of continuous improvement and the high degree of technical and innovative competence within the sector.

In the last year, Futureco Bioscience has also been chosen by the #ForTheClimate Community as Business Example 2020, thanks to the Genomaat project and its contribution to promote a system of agricultural principles and practices in line with regenerative agriculture, which enriches the biodiversity of soils, and strengthens ecosystems (https://porelclima.es/futurecobiosci/3720-genomaat-secuenciacion-masiva-y-biotecnologia-para-la-salud-del-suelo-y-de-los-cultivos). This initiative ultimately contributes to increasing carbon sequestration in soil and above-ground biomass, reversing current global trends of accumulation in the atmosphere. Increased soil organic matter, at the same time, has a direct impact on productivity, providing higher yields, resilience to climate instability and greater health and vitality for farming communities.

With respect to addressing the climate emergency, we have also improved packaging design, implementing an eco-sustainable cardboard option that introduces 87% less plastic (by weight) into the system, reducing the environmental impact on the planet.

In the last year, circumstances have been complicated for everyone, but it is precisely at these times that the most innovative initiatives that contribute to the continuous improvement of the environment and society emerge. In the words of CEO Rafael Juncosa, “The emergence of COVID is providing us with great lessons and is helping us to accelerate the sustainable and regenerative trend, reinforcing the ecological transition. At the same time, by increasing the digital presence of citizens, a much more direct relationship with companies has been established, thus demanding more corporate transparency. All in all, I am convinced that our society, and business, will emerge stronger from this experience”.