
Here you will find biopesticides for the biological control of pests and diseases produced by fungi or pathogenic bacteria in agriculture. Both our Bioinsecticides and Biofungicides are developed from substances of botanical and microbiological origin, making them an effective alternative to conventional chemical synthesis treatments.

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Biocontrol products



Organic biofungicide and biobactericide that activates the natural defences of plants.
NOFLY bioinsecticida


Spore-based bioinsecticide made with Cordyceps fumosorosea (Isaria fumosorosea, Paecilomyces fumosoroseus) that controls whiteflies, thrips, aphids and mites at any stage of their life cycle.

Our biocontrol technology

Biological control (or ‘biocontrol’) is the use of living micro-organisms and naturally occurring compounds to control pest and disease populations. There are several biological control methods, but all have important advantages over the use of chemical pesticides: they are highly specific, have no or low toxicity, low risk of resistance generation, biodegradable and zero residue, and respectful of natural enemies. Moreover, they are authorized for use in organic agriculture and integrated pest management programs. In rotation with traditional chemical treatments, a reduction in crop residues is achieved, contributing to a sustainable and environmentally friendly agriculture.

Questions about our Biocontrol products