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45% of the company's staff is made up of research staff.

Research, development and innovation (R&D+I)

Since Futureco Bioscience was founded in 1993, the R&D&I Department has been researching and developing products based on natural extracts and microbial agents with biostimulant or biopesticide activity.

The R&D department has a high screening capacity to select biostimulant microorganisms for plant biological functions, or microorganisms with biopesticidal activity (CBAs) for the control of fungi (biofungicides), bacteria (biobactericides), insects (bioinsecticides) or pathogenic nematodes (bionematicides), both in vitro, ex vivo and in vivo.

More than 1,500 in vitro bioassays and 200 ex vivo bioassays are conducted annually, selecting the most effective and innovative active ingredients and CBAs. In addition, around 300 in vivo (in-plant) bioassays are carried out annually in climatic chamber or greenhouse conditions, where both the selected active ingredients and their formulations are evaluated and validated. This capability makes Futureco Bioscience one of the most active companies worldwide in the development of biostimulants and biopesticides.

Today, as a result of investment in R&D+I, 45% of the company’s staff is made up of research staff.

The department's main lines of research are:



Futureco Bioscience has its own collection of more than 3000 fungi and bacteria. After their identification and molecular characterisation, their efficacy as biocontrol agents on different targets (pests, nematodes, fungi and phytopathogenic bacteria) or their biostimulant action (anti-salt/hydric stress, phytoremediation, “rebalancing” of biogeochemical cycles (N, P, C…), and rooting, among others) is evaluated.


Identification of organic compounds of microbial origin (protein compounds and peptides), with potential activity in pathogen control or as biostimulants. The aim is to identify micro-organisms producing bioactive compounds of interest in order to add value to new formulations.
extractos botanicos


Of particular interest are those with an antimicrobial or insecticidal effect. Extracts are selected from the best quality sources and, after formulation, evaluated against different targets using a proprietary standardised system.


Formulations based on multicellular brown algae (Phaeophyceae) of the order Fucales (Ascophyllum nudosum) and Laminariales (Laminaria digita, Eklonia maxima), or unicellular cyanobacteria grouped in colonies (Spirulina pratensis) with the aim of developing new formulations that allow the crop to overcome different abiotic stresses.



Antimicrobial peptides produced by fungi described in the literature or worked from the microorganisms included in the Futureco Bioscience Collection. Prototypes based on peptides with nematicidal activity selected from by-products of the agri-food industry are also being evaluated.


RNA interference (RNAi)-based biopesticides: a defence system of eukaryotic organisms against exogenous RNA. This technology can be used to knock down the expression of any gene of interest. Thus, an RNAi-based biopesticide can inactivate specific genes of the pathogen or any target organism.

R&D+I projects

Between 1999 (date of foundation of the R&D+I Department) and 2018, the main projects developed or in progress are:


Our team is constantly researching and applying cutting-edge technologies and methodologies that allow us to differentiate ourselves and fully meet the demands of the sector. We maintain an open and creative attitude, at all levels of the organisation, to incorporate technological and environmental advances.


CDTI project: Development of a bioinsecticide based on the fungus Metarrhizium anisopliae strain TF251 for the control of the black banana weevil. Five were sampled from the Canary Islands and 48 strains of Metarrhizium were isolated. The selected strain (TF251) was characterised and a formulated prototype (WP) was designed. Its efficacy was evaluated under laboratory, semi-field and field conditions. Strain TF251 is available for further development.


CIDEM project: Preliminary development of a new nematicide for the biological control of phytonematodes based on a bacterial strain (confidential). This research project laid the groundwork for the development of future bionematicides also formulated from bacteria (and which have led to the bionematicides currently available in the pipeline strains B410, B25 and B24).


CDTI project: Preliminary development of a biofungicide and bactericide for the control of Rhizoctonia and Sclerotinia fungi and Erwinia bacteria in potato, lettuce and tomato crops, respectively. Bacteria B2017 (Pseudomonas putida) and B2021 (P. azotoformans) were isolated during this project. In the year 2014-2021, the required studies for its registration as a biofungicide-biobactericide including other fungi and bacteria of commercial interest have been carried out.


CIDEM Project. Development of Enzymatic Technologies (of microbial origin) from plant by-products from the agri-food industry to obtain bioactive molecules with low-risk biostimulant and/or phytosanitary action. Different protein hydrolysates with high nematicidal activity (Meloidogyne) were identified in cucumber and tomato crops.


Licitation UCO and Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (FEDER Funds). Development of a bioinsecticide based on the entomopathogenic fungus Metarhizium brunneum strain EAMb 09/01-Su (isolated by the Applied Entomology group of the University of Cordoba) for the control of the olive fruit fly. The project consisted of strain characterisation, design of formulated prototypes, field evaluation and soil persistence studies using molecular markers.


INTERREG-POCTEFA project (FEDER funds). Collaborative project in which Futureco Bioscience participated producing 2 microbial biofungicides (B2017 and B2021) and a botanical extract (BESTCURE) which were evaluated for the control of downy mildew, powdery mildew and Botrytis in grapevine and Moniliosis in stone fruit trees under field conditions (in Spain and France).


Internal project. Evaluation of the effect of different commercial (e.g. Bioradicant, Radisan, Fitomaat, Hydromaat, Cromaliv, Ultra V, among others) and experimental (B2017OD, B25OD, B24OD etc) products on different crops using molecular transcriptomics techniques that allow simultaneous evaluation of the expression levels of multiple genes in a given tissue at a specific time.

Forthcoming launches

Pipeline 2021

Partner organisations


Publications that demonstrate the efficacy, quality and safety of Futureco Bioscience products.

BESTCURE controls Botrytis in blueberries

11 June 2024

Field efficacy of BESTCURE for the control of Botrytis in blueberries.

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Citogrower 2% increases the size, number and weight of fruits on avocado crops

7 November 2023

Hectares treated with CITOGROWER® 2% averaged 2210 kg/ha while those treated with control averaged 1922.5 kg/ha. That is, CITOGROWER® 2% achieved a difference of 287.5 kg/ha: 13% increase in production per hectare.

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How to improve cucumber curdling and rice fattening with Ecormon

28 April 2023

In fattening rice, Ecormon showed a significant increase in fruit set, number of grains per panicle and total grain yield. Ecormon showed a higher number of flowers, fruit per plant and cucumber fruit set.

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Bioradicante not only increases root germination and length

27 January 2023

Transcriptomic analysis has shown that Bioradicante stimulates nitrate uptake and modulates cell membrane and cell wall dynamics, key to the growth and development of the root system and consequent aerial growth.

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Yield increase in Criolla potato crop (Solanum phureja) with Botamisol 45

18 October 2022

The objective is to evaluate the efficacy of the biostimulant Botamisol 45 in the cultivation of Criolla potato (Solanum phureja).

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NOFLY exceeds the biological standard efficacy and proves its relevance in the reduction of chemical treatments

21 June 2022

The aim of this work was to evaluate the efficacy of NOLFY WP alone and in combination with Pyriproxyfen and Acetamiprid as an integrated pest management approach, evaluating its efficacies in comparison with chemical and biological standard treatments.

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Biological insecticide NOFLY is effective against whitefly in soybean

20 June 2022

The aim of this work was to evaluate the application of NOLFY WP alone and in combination with Pyriproxyfen as an integrated pest management approach to the strategy for whitefly control in soybean, also comparing NOFLY WP efficacy with another entomopathogenic fungi based product (Beauveria bassiana).

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Bestcure controls “acid rot” acetobacter aceto in grapevine

12 May 2022

Bestcure shows highly effective results against acid rot Acetobacter aceti in grapes

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CITOGROWER AND CITOFOUR remain stable for at least four years

14 November 2021

6-BAP was quantified and pH and density were measured in batches stored for different periods of time.

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10 October 2021

HydroMaat can effectively ameliorate drought stress in tomato. Treatments did significantly reverse drought-responses in terms of growth (shoot height, LMA), water status and osmotic response (RWC and proline) as well as reduced the effect of drought on photosynthesis.

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Published in specialized journals, with which the R&D Department of Futureco Bioscience contributes to the advancement of agrobiotechnology and the scientific community that allows it to grow and expand.

The Use of Elicitors in Plants as Defense Activators

2 September 2024
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No antibiotic and toxic metabolites produced by the biocontrol agent Pseudomonas putida strain B2017

29 April 2020

Written by Oriol Daura-Pich, Iker Hernandez, Lola Pinyol-Escala, Jose M. Lara, Sonia Martínez-Servat, Carolina Fernandez and Belén López-García. FEMS Microbiology Letters, 367, 2020.

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Design of Bacterial Strain-Specific qPCR Assays Using NGS Data and Publicly Available Resources and Its Application to Track Biocontrol Strains

26 March 2020

Written by Iker Hernández, Clara Sant, Raquel Martínez and Carolina Fernández. Evolutionary and Genomic Microbiology, a section of the journal Frontiers in Microbiology, 1-11 (English) 2020

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Diseño y evaluación de prototipos bioinsecticidas para el control de la mosca del olivo

10 January 2020

Escrito por M. Almazán1, V. Quero1, L. Pinyol–Escala1, M. Caminal1, S. Martínez–Servat1, e. Quesada–Moraga2, I. Garrido–Jurado2, M. Yousef–Naef2, J.M. lara1, C. Fernàndez1. Revista de Fruticultura • Nº73 2020.

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Pseudomonas putida strain B2017 produced as technical grade active ingredient controls fungal and bacterial crop diseases

10 July 2019

Written by Clara Oliver, Iker Hernández, Marta Caminal, José M. Lara & Carolina Fernàndez. Taylor & Oliver, 2019

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Draft Genome Sequence and Assembly of a Lysobacter enzymogenes Strain with Biological Control Activity against Root Knot Nematodes

10 May 2017

Written by Iker Hernández, Carolina Fernàndez. Genome Announc, Vol. 5, 2017.

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Control of blue mould and bitter rot of apples, and brown rot of peaches by Citrus aurantium extractbased product BIOLASTING®

10 March 2015

Written by M. Almazána, J.M. Lara and C. Fernández. Acta Horticulturae, 1-8, 2015.

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Natural occurrence of fungal egg parasites of root-knot nematodes, Meloidogyne spp. in organic and integrated vegetable production systems in Spain

10 May 2013

Written by Giné A., Bonmatí M., Sarro A., Stchiegel A., Valero J., Ornat C., Fernández C. & Sorribas F.J. BioControl, 58, 407-416 (Català) 2013

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Evaluación in vitro de la capacidad antagonista de Trichoderma lignorum FEEP TL0601 frente a Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. lycopersici

10 February 2011

Escrito por Sarro A., Lara J.M. & Fernández C. Phytoma 225, 47-50 (Español) 2011

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