Futureco Bioscience receives the visit of Sumiagro Europe shareholders

Last week a small delegation of Sumiagro Europe have visited Futureco Bioscience facilities in Olerdola (Barcelona, Spain). The delegation was headed by A. Meyer (Sumiagro Europe President and CEO), and included K. Ichinose (Executive Vice President of Sumiagro Europe) and I. Tapia (Business Development Manager)

Sumiagro Europe is part of Sumitomo Corporation, one of Japan’s leading multinational companies. Together they provide not only proprietary products from important Japanese agrochemical manufacturers but also other innovative product solutions from different suppliers, as the case of Futureco Bioscience. Altogether, the integrated resources of Sumitomo Corporation, Sumiagro Europe and Futureco Bioscience provide a very powerful platform for innovation in the agriculture sector.

The goal of the visit was to share the advancements and the plans for the future of the company, discussing challenges and opportunities in the short and medium term.

“We are grateful for the opportunity offered to us to challenge the work we have done and the project we are currently developing. Dialogue with our partners is not only useful but necessary to address the needs of the agrobiological market” declared J. Manuel Lara, Futureco Bioscience Technical Director.

“It was a real pleasure to meet the members of Sumiagro Europe in person. It gives us great confidence and motivation to know that they believe in Futureco Bioscience’s resources and trust in our strategies” said M. Jose Lis, Marketing and Business Development Manager of Futureco Bioscience.

 “As the New Architect and the New Agritech of Agriculture(s), Sumi Agro Europe strongly believes in the interest to bring BioControl and BioStimulation products and services to growers in the world. Such BioControl and BioStimulations tools bring sustainable added value to growers, society and the environment” declared A. Meyer, Sumiagro Europe President and CEO.

In the image, from left to right: J. Manent (Futureco Bioscience), M.J. Lis (Futureco Bioscience), K. Ichinose (Sumiagro Europe), J.M. Lara (Futureco Bioscience), I. Tapia (Sumiagro Europe), and A. Meyer (Sumiagro Europe).