The world is changing, and so are we

Futureco Bioscience was born in 1993 from an innovative idea and a vision of a future of efficient agriculture and environmental care. With this mission in mind, Rafael Juncosa, our founder, president and CEO, shaped Futureco, a brand that stands for Ecological Future. To this concept, it has been decided to add, in the company name, the word “Bioscience” to represent the process by which we arrive at our results: scientific study of nature and biological processes. Through this approach, applied to agriculture needs, we manufacture products that respect the environment and help farmers to progress towards a globally wealthy future.

To keep progressing, changes are not only necessary, but essential. We believe in evolution, continuous improvement, and in the changes triggered by science and new knowledge: we consider our brand should reflect our beliefs. It is time to reveal some changes we applied to our logo and corporate image that express our evolution, and at the same time, represent the revindication of our foundational values:

The centrality of Futureco – Who we are

We gave more centrality and weight in the context to the word FUTURECO, which represents us and sums up our values ​​and mission in a single word.

The Leaf – Where we come from and where we are going to

This fundamental element comes from the most common urban tree in Barcelona: Platanus Hispánica, which refers to our origins. The leaf also means that we work from and for nature, where we apply our products. We increased the presence of this element in our new logo. It is a corporate key element, which brings together symmetry, life, knowledge, and technology.

Chromatic scale and gradient – Green, agricultural life, evolution

We incorporate green in our corporate palette, as a representation of the sustainable environment for which we work and the ecological sustainability we aim for. This color is associated with ecology, sustainability, crop management, agronomy, plant sprouts. In addition, the degraded color transition enhances the concept of evolution, of learning to improve, of positive projection towards the future.