Futureco Bioscience joins the accelerator program Target Gender Equality (TGE)

This year 2022, Futureco Bioscience has started the path to implement the sustainable development goal for gender equality (SDG 5) of the United Nations Global Compact (Global Compact).

To this end, Laia Arrom (Head of Plant Physiology Unit in the R&D Dept.) and Eleonora Aquilini (Communications Manager) together with Maria Jose lis (Marketing and Business Development Manager) have joined as representatives of Futureco Bioscience to the Target Gender Equality (TGE) accelerator program, an initiative launched in 2019 to encourage companies to set and pursue ambitious targets for women’s representation and leadership in business. Currently, the program already accumulates more than 800 participating entities from over 50 countries.

In the III edition (2022) of the Spanish Network, 47 companies will participate, reaching a total of 127 companies accumulated in previous editions and being one of the countries with the highest participation rate (Fig. 1). However, only 28% of the companies committed to supporting women’s leadership and empowerment have established measurable objectives and goals, with limited deadlines, to carry out concrete actions.

What benefits can Futureco Bioscience derive from improvements in gender equality?

  • Several recent studies have shown that companies with a more balanced participation of men and women in their workforces and decision-making processes improve their economic performance.
  • Improves governance and corporate image.
  • It favors a good working environment.
  • Increases innovation.
  • Helps retain and attract the best talent.

Actions carried out to date:

  • Signing of the Declaration of support to the 7 Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs) by Rafael Juncosa, CEO and President of Futureco Bioscience. The document has been signed in November 2022, as a commitment to promote equality between men and women, joining the initiative and supporting the WEPs.
  • Follow-up of the TGE program of the Spanish Network (Futureco Bioscience representatives) by conducting and attending on-line the courses, learning plans and briefings available and planned for the 3rd edition of the TGE.
  • Self-assessment of the company’s status through the use of the WEP Tool and identification of new opportunities for further achievements and implementation of new policies on gender equality.

ANALYSIS of the current status of Futureco Bioscience in terms of gender equality:

Analysis of Futureco Bioscience’s gender-biased workforce indicators revealed an optimal ratio between the number of men and women in the workforce at all levels (Fig. 1).

Futureco Bioscience joins the accelerator program Target Gender Equality (TGE)

Likewise, the hiring of employees does not seem to be conditioned by the gender of the person, regardless of the type of contract obtained (Fig. 2).

Futureco Bioscience joins the accelerator program Target Gender Equality (TGE)

On the other hand, all Futureco Bioscience employees are entitled to maternity/paternity leave, and all those who took maternity/paternity leave have returned to and still hold their jobs today (Fig. 3).

Futureco Bioscience joins the accelerator program Target Gender Equality (TGE)

In summary, the company enjoys an optimal diversity of employees, but it is necessary to implement policies and objectives that guarantee equity.

Objectives for 2023

1. Formalize, expand and balance (in gender) the dedicated committee, which will meet on a quarterly basis.
2. Renew our participation in the United Nations Target Gender Equality (TGE) program for next year.
3. Formalize the non-discrimination and equal opportunity policy by drafting an official document to be included in the company’s general policy.
4. Renew the Occupational Health and Safety policies with a gender-sensitive approach.
5. Implement and publicize internally an anonymous reporting system for possible cases of harassment in the workplace.
6. Publish an annual report on progress and new objectives.