
It exerts antimicrobial action, activates natural plant defences and has a high antioxidant capacity during post-harvest.


Stabilised extract of Citrus x aurantium and Citrus reticulata 50%, Total Nitrogen (N) 1%, Organic Nitrogen 1% .

Order the efficacy test

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Futureco Bioscience
Av. del Cadí, 19-23 P.l.
Sant Pere Molanta 08799
Olèrdola, Barcelona España (ES)


estimulante de raíces


Enhances root system growth and improves interactions in the rhizosphere, with metabolites from Lysobacter enzymogenes and Corynebacterium flavescens.
Fitomaat formulado a base de glicina betaína y prolina.

Fitomaat WG (glycine betaine 80%)

Helps to overcome water stress situations, maintaining yield and quality.


Promotes flowering and fruit set.

Botamisol 45%

Accelerates metabolism and invigorates crop growth.