Ecoquel Micromix
Corrector of micronutrient deficiencies chelated with HGA.
ECOQUEL MICROMIX® is a micronutrient deficiency corrector. It is composed of a balanced complex of microelements chelated with EDTA, to maximise their availability. ECOQUEL MICROMIX® is a granulated formulation, suitable for application to crop soils, with maximum solubility. It can be applied at any stage of the crop to increase yields and correct deficiencies of any of its elements.
Water-soluble Iron (Fe) 6%, water-soluble Manganese (Mn) 2.5%, water-soluble Zinc (Zn) 1.2%, water-soluble Copper (Cu) 0.6%, water-soluble Boron (B) 0.5%, Free Aminoacids 2%.
Order the efficacy test
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Futureco Bioscience
Av. del Cadí, 19-23 P.l.
Sant Pere Molanta 08799
Olèrdola, Barcelona España (ES)

Defender Mg
Corrects Mg deficiencies by promoting efficient assimilation of the element with low energy consumption.