Defender Silicio

Defender Si

Provides Si to protect against fungal diseases and improves pollination.


DEFENDER Si® is a potassium and silica concentrate. DEFENDER Si® applications improve photosynthesis in all types of crops. It improves production by improving pollination and increasing pollen fertility. DEFENDER Si® is an ideal tool to absorb additional moisture in crops, preventing the growth of plant pathogenic microorganisms.


Water-soluble Potassium 8%, Silicon oxide (SiO2) 18%.

Order the efficacy test

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Futureco Bioscience
Av. del Cadí, 19-23 P.l.
Sant Pere Molanta 08799
Olèrdola, Barcelona España (ES)


Defender Mg

Corrects Mg deficiencies by promoting efficient assimilation of the element with low energy consumption.

Defender Mn

Preventive and curative corrector of manganese deficiencies,


Iron deficiency corrector for calcareous soils with alkaline pH


Iron deficiency corrector