Defender Mo

Molybdenum (Mo) deficiency corrector


DEFENDER Mo is a product developed for the prevention and correction of molybdenum deficiencies for all types of crops. It contains molybdenum complexed with amino acids and organic acids. DEFENDER Mo also contains boron, which together with the molybdenum and amino acids in the product increases pollen production, improving fruit set and consequently the final yield of the crop.


Molybdenum (Mo) 10.0%, Boron (Bo) 1%, Free amino acids 4%, Total nitrogen 2.4%. Amino acids from enzymatic hydrolysis of plant proteins.

Order the efficacy test

Futureco Bioscience
Av. del Cadí, 19-23 P.l.
Sant Pere Molanta 08799
Olèrdola, Barcelona España (ES)


Defender Mg

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Defender Mn

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