Defender B

Defender B

Boron deficiency corrector for plant or soil application.


DEFENDER B® is a foliar fertiliser with a high concentration of boron. Its application corrects deficiencies produced in soils with low availability and in crops with a high demand for boron, an essential microelement to improve fruit set, as it increases the quality of pollen germination. In addition, this nutrient regulates hormone synthesis for the correct growth of the plant in the most delicate stages. DEFENDER B® is involved in cell division processes and forms part of the cell wall, which is important in the fruit development stages.


Boro (B) 11,0 %

Order the efficacy test

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Futureco Bioscience
Av. del Cadí, 19-23 P.l.
Sant Pere Molanta 08799
Olèrdola, Barcelona España (ES)


Defender Mg

Corrects Mg deficiencies by promoting efficient assimilation of the element with low energy consumption.

Defender Mn

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Iron deficiency corrector for calcareous soils with alkaline pH


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