Futureco Bioscience’s commitment to R+D+i continues to be a fundamental factor in the company’s competitiveness and economic growth, and ENAC (National Accreditation Agency) accredited certification 2019 for four of the projects currently underway validates and reinforces the importance of this effort.
Designed by the government to encourage investment in Research and Development through tax relief (as set out in Article 35 of the Corporate Tax Act), ENAC certification not only recognizes the high degree of technical and innovative competence and the maximum quality of both the objectives pursued and the processes employed, but also constitutes an important added value and a guarantee with regard to clients and all interested parties. It also has a high dynamic potential for certified projects, favoring a climate of trust and greater certainty around them and facilitating the opening of new markets and access to public procurement.

Four projects generated by the R+D+i Department have obtained certification for 2019: MICROSTART, MICROSAFE, NONEM and EVOLUTION 2.0. The entry project, MICROSTART, is the starting point for the other three, and focuses on the research and selection of new active substances based on microorganisms, their metabolites, plant extracts and other substances of natural origin. The goal is to identify candidates that can result in biopesticide prototypes (bactericides, fungicides or nematicides) or biostimulants for agricultural crops. MICROSAFE and NONEM characterize the prototypes of products with Biofungicide or Biobactericide, and Bionematicide activity respectively, at microbiological, genetic, and biochemical levels. Their effectiveness in greenhouses and in the field is also validated, and toxicological and ecotoxicological studies are carried out to ensure that the prototypes developed are respectful of the environment and people. On the other hand, EVOLUTION 2.0, studies the prototypes of products with biostimulant activity, covering very different solutions: water stress, phosphorus solubilization, rooting, heat shock, soil contamination (by phytosanitary products or heavy metals), among many other activities.
The achievement of ENAC accredited certification represents a valuable recognition of the continuous effort of the researchers of the Research and Development Department of Futureco Bioscience.